Leadership at IWI:
As Executive Director at IWI, Dr. Lee emphasizes the importance of the evidence-based practice that looks at the physical environment as a vehicle to achieve organizational efficiency and optimum worker performance by addressing productivity, health, and well-being simultaneously toward sustainable workplaces. Continuing her work as the creator and developer of CAPTIW©, Dr. Lee orchestrates the efforts for developing analytic platforms, new trend research, dissemination of information, private consulting, and public relations at IWI. Trained in Interior Architecture and Design for two decades, she brings to IWI her expertise in the impact of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) on occupant performance; spatial and design attributes of the innovative workplace affecting the organizational bottom line; and sustainable design attributes and occupant performance, health, and well-being.
She currently serves on the editorial board of the world renowned journal, Indoor and Built environment, advisory board of Active Design for Workplace Wellbeing, and member of Leading for Wellbeing Consortium. Her rigorous work has been numerously published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international and national conferences and workshops. For a list of her publications, please check out here.
Mr. Schottenfeld as Associate Director of Business Management at IWI focuses on advancing collective practices of workplace design and strategies for sustainable workplaces from business aspects. With experiences in the field of facility design and engineering for over 30 years, his expertise resides in workplace performance management and analytics, acoustical engineering, media technology, and design and engineering of performance spaces. His publications can be found in the Journal of Learning Spaces, International Journal of Sustainable Development, International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, and Social Sustainability, as well as presentations at various national and international conferences including IFMA Fusion International Facility Management Association, NEOCON, Healthcare Design, EDUCAUSE, Green Building Council NESSBE, OECD, and New York Conference on Behavioral Research.